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All employees have attitudes that can positively--or negatively--affect the performance of your company. Here's how to determine what your employees' attitudes are and how to use this information to ensure they're fulfilled by--and productive in--their work.
By Will Helmlinger
Visualize a cartoon showing a man dressed in a business suit ready to leave for work. With his hand on the doorknob, he says to his wife, 'If I'm not back in 15 minutes, it means I got on the bus and went to work.'
How many people go to work with an attitude similar to this? When did you-- or your employees--last feel this way? Are they wishing Monday morning were actually Friday afternoon?
We all have attitudes. However, are your employees bringing the right attitudes and motivations to the job? Misdirected and inappropriate attitudes will impact your company and bottom line.
In the late 1990s, our company participated an international study that examined the attitudes of one job category. This research led to the discovery that 92% of top sales professionals in both the U.S. and Germany had the same key attitudes and motivations. This compelling statistic revealed that appropriate attitudes/internal motivations impacted job performance. Even today, this statistic hold true!
So how can you determine and gauge your employees' attitudes, and subsequently, the possible affect they might have on your company? Here's a four-step plan that will help you determine your employees' attitudes. "
Note: Read the rest of this informative article and do a little checking around the water cooler. Perhaps your sales team needs a little pick me up or attitude adjustment?
Call Canadian Sales Trainer Bob 'Idea Man' Hooey for help. He can help equip and motivate your sales team to succeed!
Ideas at Work! - Strategies for Success!
Author, A Legacy of Leadership and The Courage to Lead!