Leaders Edge!

Leaders Edge is a posting of ideas, thoughts and techniques for leading edge executives from the creative mind of Bob 'Idea Man' Hooey. Visit http://www.LeadersEdge.biz for more information.

My Photo
Location: Edmonton Area, Alberta, Canada

I draw from a rich wealth of experience in retail, manufacturing, sales, education, and association leadership and management. I'm the author of ten leadership, career, and business development books, a mini-book series and several ebooks in process. Visit: http://www.SuccessPublications.biz for more information on the writing or http://www.bobhooey.com on the services I provide my clients. Visit my main site: http//www.ideaman.net or http://www.fullofhooey.com for more information on what I can do to help you or your organization move to the next level.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Foundational Success is now available online

Foundational Success - Building Blocks for Personal and Professional Success is now available online at: www.foundationalsuccess.com

This amazing collection of wisdom from 30 top experts from North America and around the world was created by Bob 'Idea Man' Hooey to support the CAPS Foundation.

Visit: www.foundationalsuccess.com today and safely purchase your own copy for only $20.

$19 of each purchase goes directly to the CAPS Foundation. $1 is used by our CAPS National Office to cover credit cards and processing.

Tell your friends and family to visit as well. Share this with your colleagues and your clients so they too, can build some foundational success.