Leaders Edge!

Leaders Edge is a posting of ideas, thoughts and techniques for leading edge executives from the creative mind of Bob 'Idea Man' Hooey. Visit http://www.LeadersEdge.biz for more information.

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Location: Edmonton Area, Alberta, Canada

I draw from a rich wealth of experience in retail, manufacturing, sales, education, and association leadership and management. I'm the author of ten leadership, career, and business development books, a mini-book series and several ebooks in process. Visit: http://www.SuccessPublications.biz for more information on the writing or http://www.bobhooey.com on the services I provide my clients. Visit my main site: http//www.ideaman.net or http://www.fullofhooey.com for more information on what I can do to help you or your organization move to the next level.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Foundational Success to launch in May

A new joint venture with 30 top experts and authors from around the globe is set to launch in May 2009.

Foundational Success - Building Blocks for Personal and Professional Success

This value added e-publication is led by Canada's Ideaman, Bob Hooey and is a fund raising project for the CAPS Foundation. Canadian Association of Professional Speakers.

Pre-order price is only $20 and proceeds go directly to the CAPS Foundation.

Visit: www.foundationalsuccess.com to see who contributed their wisdom to this new tool in your personal and professional success.

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